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Media Release: War Memorial Win for Townsville

Three war memorial plaques in Oonoonba which have been either relocated or gone missing will be restored after Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Phillip Thompson raised questions over their disappearance.

Three monuments on the site of bombings in 1942 were erected between 1992 and 1995 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Japanese air raid over Townsville and the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Pacific.

Last month Mr Thompson was contacted by concerned community member, Ray Schinkel, who alerted him that access to the monument site was now prohibited. On Mr Schinkel’s most recent yearly Anzac Day vigil at the site, he noticed the plaques missing.

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Media Release: Townsville War Memorial Site at Risk of Removal

Herbert MP Phillip Thompson is calling for an historic World War II memorial in Oonoonba to be preserved, with the site at risk of being lost to state government development.

The Palaszczuk Labor Government took ownership of the parcel of land where the monument was erected in 1992 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a Japanese air raid over Townsville.

Mr Thompson was recently contacted by concerned community member, Ray Schinkel, who visits the site to transmit via AM radio to commemorate Anzac Day. Mr Schinkel recently noticed that the original monument had been moved and two of the three plaques had been removed. For this year’s Anzac Day, access was prohibited.

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Media Release: Income Threshold Changes Damning for DAMA

An exorbitant increase to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) is making it near impossible to hire migrant hospitality workers in Townsville.

The Albanese Labor Government recently increased the minimum wage that a migrant worker must be paid to qualify for a temporary work visa from $53,900 to $70,000.

Herbert MP Phillip Thompson was recently contacted by Pilgrim Sailing owner Clare Ley. Her Magnetic Island sailing charter company is now having to pay her migrant on-board hospitality workers $70,000 minimum wage because of the 30% increase to the threshold; which is more than the award wage of the local workers.

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Media Release: $70M Hydrogen Hub Takes Major Step Forward

Herbert MP Phillip Thompson has welcomed the opening of applications for a $70M fund to build a green hydrogen industry in Townsville.

The Townsville Hydrogen Hub was a commitment of the former Coalition Government, following long-term advocacy in partnership with the industry and Townsville Enterprise.

Mr Thompson said he was pleased proponents can now get on with their applications.

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Media Release: Sod Turned on New AEIOU Centre

Herbert MP Phillip Thompson has welcomed the start of construction on a new purpose-built Townsville centre for early-intervention for children with autism today.

The former Coalition Government committed $2M in federal funding at the last election for the AEIOU Foundation for Children with Autism to construct the new facility, but the project was cast into doubt when the Albanese Labor Government announced it would be cutting the program that was set to pay for it.

The new facility will allow AEIOU to expand their service offering to more local families who require their much-needed support, having operated out of a cramped and no-longer-suitable centre in Kirwan.

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Media Release: Major Cash on Offer for Townsville Community Groups

Townsville community organisations can now apply for up to $15 million worth of funding for capital works projects.

Member for Herbert Phillip Thompson is calling for expressions of interest in the Growing Regions Program, for grant funding between $500,000 and $15 million.

Funding is available for up to 50% of the cost of eligible capital works projects, or 90% of the cost of eligible projects for First Nations Community Controlled Organisations.

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Media Release: Scott Stewart Must Come Clean over Concert Hall Comment

Herbert MP Phillip Thompson is calling on the State Labor Member for Townsville to come clean over comments suggesting federal funding for Townsville’s Concert Hall had been cut.

In an interview with 7NEWS on Friday, State Labor MP Scott Stewart claimed that Mr Thompson had reneged on his $98M funding commitment for construction of the project, which was secured during the last term of the Coalition Government.

But in a meeting held this week between Mr Thompson and Federal Labor Infrastructure Minister Catherine King, the Minister confirmed that the funding remained committed.

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Media Release: Riverway Drive Stage 2 On Road to Nowhere

The future of a major upgrade to Riverway Drive is up in the air, with the Albanese Labor Government confirming the project is under review.

Federal Member for Herbert Phillip Thompson secured 80 per cent of funding for the $95 Million project during the previous term of Parliament, with 20 per cent coming from the State Labor Government.

The Albanese Government has included Riverway Drive Stage Two in an Independent Strategic Review of the Infrastructure Investment Program, which aims to identify projects to cut funding for.

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Media Release: Thompson: Veteran Employment Program Cut a “Disgrace”

Herbert MP and Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Phillip Thompson has condemned the Albanese Labor Government’s decision to axe a $16.2M program to help veterans into the civilian workforce.

Mr Thompson said the Enhanced Employment Support for Veterans program helped provide a soft landing for recently-discharged ADF members.

“I know firsthand what it’s like when when you transition out, and these programs help our veterans – our brave men and women who are transitioning out – to find employment,” he said.

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Media Release: Some Savings but Reinsurance Pool Delays Still Hurting

Herbert MP Phillip Thompson says the Albanese Labor Government is dragging the chain when it comes to providing relief on insurance premiums for North Queenslanders.

Mr Thompson said while some people were starting to find better deals for their insurance – particularly homeowners with detached houses – many locals were still being stung with significant premium increases.

Despite the Government Reinsurance Pool coming into effect on July 1 last year, only two insurers, Allianz Australia and Sure Insurance, have purchased cyclone reinsurance from the pool so far.

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Media Release: Marles Must Come Clean on Future of 3RAR

Herbert MP and Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Phillip Thompson says the Defence Minister must use his visit to Townsville to come clean about the future of 3RAR.

Mr Thompson said soldiers at the Lavarack Barracks-based mechanised battalion faced massive uncertainty after the Albanese Labor Government slashed the order for Infantry Fighting Vehicles from 450 to 129 on Monday.

He said the new number was only enough for one mechanised infantry battalion meaning the capability of the remaining two would be dramatically changed.

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Media Release: Townsville in Top 10 Most Expensive Queensland Electorates To See a GP

Herbert has been revealed as the eighth most expensive federal electorate in the state to visit a GP as local doctors struggle with low Medicare rebates and a ridiculous new Queensland Government tax.

Herbert MP Phillip Thompson said the figures, compiled by online healthcare directory Cleanbill, were a symptom of Labor governments at both the state and federal levels failing to address a key contributing factor of the cost-of-living crisis.

“This research has revealed the average out-of-pocket cost for a standard 15-minute consultation in Townsville is $42.49, with only 36% of practices fully bulk-billing,” Mr Thompson said.

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